Since its fathers day and I don't have money or know of anything my dad may want I'm just going to throw out a few thoughts on here and see what sticks.
For all of you that don't know my dad is not my real father. My father passed away when I was very young, young enough that I don't remember anything about him. Sad you say, not really, for me anyways. I wasn't old enough to know him or anything about him from personal experience. SO its hard for me to miss someone I never knew. My fathers death is sad though and I'm sorry for my mother and family members that had to suffer through it. :(
That all being said my dad, a.k.a stepfather; a.k.a Chuckles, met my mother when I was five. They hit it off or did whatever they did (I was only five and couldn't tell you much about their relationship at that age, or do I want to know anything about it, ewww!) So there I am, 5, with a new father. Now your ready for the god awful story of the stepfather from hell....... sorry to disappoint you, that story never happened here. My dad took me in as one of his own. Never missing a beat and raising me as his own. I think there was some adjusting on my part at first, going from calling him chuck to daddy (which even at the age of 30 I still do) But for the most part I had a father. Someone to teach the stuff I had to know at that age. He coached my little league team, helped me so many times with homework, got me first dirt bike, I mean really did all the stuff I would have missed out on being that my father had passed away.
Years progressed and my brother and sister came along. Now were at the part where that step-dad from hell comes into play as my dad now has is REAL kids........ Nope still didn't happen. You hear the stories of the oldest not feeling loved or whatever cause of the new baby. Yeah some attention was gone, but yeah of course. Thats what happens when new kids are introduced to a family. I didn't mind, I liked keeping to myself. My dad still stayed involved with me and all the things I did.
Now I grew up, got my own family, and starting to step into his shoes. My god its hard. I love my wife, and I love my son. But keeping a family together and a roof over our heads can be stressful at times. I only know one person to call.
My dad was and still is a great father. I look up to him in so many ways to learn how to be a man. yeah hes got a few faults, so does everyone else. Hes got none that are that bad, he doesn't store dead bodies in the basement, least far as I know. I really can talk to him about anything and know he will listen. I now have a 14 year old boy. I don't have a clue what to do with him. I don't know if he knows why I'm doing it or not, but I call and ask what would you do if.... and always say something my son has just done. I know the way my dad handles things is probably right and the way I should do it if I want to be a good father as well. I ask him for advice or tell a story about something going on in my life and wait to hear what hes got to say about it. We never have a just a quick talk. My wife laughs when I say I running over to my dads, be back in just a minute. She knows Im going to be there for an hour or two no matter what, cause we always have a sit down and just run our mouths about whatever. Granted thats probably because I dont see him as much as I should, my mother for that matter too. I get to rapped up in my own shit and Im taking the time I have with both of them for granted. For that I am sorry.
There are countless stories to tell about how my dad try to teach me how to live or take care of a family or whatever else needed to be taught. I wont bore you with them. Some of them are not all rainbows and kittens. There the times I thought my dad was just being an asshole, Thats not the case. He was making the hard decisions and being tough on me when I was being a little shithead and not taking my life serious. I know now that I needed those moments, If I hadn't had those times I would be even lazier then I am now and think the world owed me. I learned that if you want something you have to work for it. He instilled a strong work ethic into me. Without it I would still be bouncing from job to job and not have a career, its not the greatest career but i have been doing the same thing for over 10 years now. I guess its a career, I wouldn't be if I hadn't had busted my ass to get where I am. and I only worked hard cause thats what I was taught to do.
If im ever half the father my dad is to me to my son then my son will have a chance too.
I just wanted to say that, I love you dad. Where would I be in life if you were never there. I hate to think. The one thing that always gets me is you have, as far as I can tell, Have always introduced me as your son, never your step-son. That means the world to me.
Love you always daddy.
For all of you that don't know my dad is not my real father. My father passed away when I was very young, young enough that I don't remember anything about him. Sad you say, not really, for me anyways. I wasn't old enough to know him or anything about him from personal experience. SO its hard for me to miss someone I never knew. My fathers death is sad though and I'm sorry for my mother and family members that had to suffer through it. :(
That all being said my dad, a.k.a stepfather; a.k.a Chuckles, met my mother when I was five. They hit it off or did whatever they did (I was only five and couldn't tell you much about their relationship at that age, or do I want to know anything about it, ewww!) So there I am, 5, with a new father. Now your ready for the god awful story of the stepfather from hell....... sorry to disappoint you, that story never happened here. My dad took me in as one of his own. Never missing a beat and raising me as his own. I think there was some adjusting on my part at first, going from calling him chuck to daddy (which even at the age of 30 I still do) But for the most part I had a father. Someone to teach the stuff I had to know at that age. He coached my little league team, helped me so many times with homework, got me first dirt bike, I mean really did all the stuff I would have missed out on being that my father had passed away.
Years progressed and my brother and sister came along. Now were at the part where that step-dad from hell comes into play as my dad now has is REAL kids........ Nope still didn't happen. You hear the stories of the oldest not feeling loved or whatever cause of the new baby. Yeah some attention was gone, but yeah of course. Thats what happens when new kids are introduced to a family. I didn't mind, I liked keeping to myself. My dad still stayed involved with me and all the things I did.
Now I grew up, got my own family, and starting to step into his shoes. My god its hard. I love my wife, and I love my son. But keeping a family together and a roof over our heads can be stressful at times. I only know one person to call.
My dad was and still is a great father. I look up to him in so many ways to learn how to be a man. yeah hes got a few faults, so does everyone else. Hes got none that are that bad, he doesn't store dead bodies in the basement, least far as I know. I really can talk to him about anything and know he will listen. I now have a 14 year old boy. I don't have a clue what to do with him. I don't know if he knows why I'm doing it or not, but I call and ask what would you do if.... and always say something my son has just done. I know the way my dad handles things is probably right and the way I should do it if I want to be a good father as well. I ask him for advice or tell a story about something going on in my life and wait to hear what hes got to say about it. We never have a just a quick talk. My wife laughs when I say I running over to my dads, be back in just a minute. She knows Im going to be there for an hour or two no matter what, cause we always have a sit down and just run our mouths about whatever. Granted thats probably because I dont see him as much as I should, my mother for that matter too. I get to rapped up in my own shit and Im taking the time I have with both of them for granted. For that I am sorry.
There are countless stories to tell about how my dad try to teach me how to live or take care of a family or whatever else needed to be taught. I wont bore you with them. Some of them are not all rainbows and kittens. There the times I thought my dad was just being an asshole, Thats not the case. He was making the hard decisions and being tough on me when I was being a little shithead and not taking my life serious. I know now that I needed those moments, If I hadn't had those times I would be even lazier then I am now and think the world owed me. I learned that if you want something you have to work for it. He instilled a strong work ethic into me. Without it I would still be bouncing from job to job and not have a career, its not the greatest career but i have been doing the same thing for over 10 years now. I guess its a career, I wouldn't be if I hadn't had busted my ass to get where I am. and I only worked hard cause thats what I was taught to do.
If im ever half the father my dad is to me to my son then my son will have a chance too.
I just wanted to say that, I love you dad. Where would I be in life if you were never there. I hate to think. The one thing that always gets me is you have, as far as I can tell, Have always introduced me as your son, never your step-son. That means the world to me.
Love you always daddy.